Tantra Bensko
Tantra Bensko is the February 2007 Artist of the month. She paints rapturous vivid lucid visions that will haunt you into new corridors of consciousness and chase you down them until you wake. Tantra resides in San Francisco. She is the Art Director of the multimedia magazine, Mad Hatters Review. Some of her art takes the form of recycled sculptures with photography. She also makes movies from her art, which are projected at events.
Tantra is a model, and her image appears in her own art, as well as in others. She has worn costumes in surreal movies directed by Paul Wilm. She has an ongoing solo show, "Reality Burn!," that travels from venue to venue. Every opening has an exciting act with music and speakers.
New Artwork in the Galleries
Kevin Barr, Nicholas Caputi, Fuzzworks, Donna Sakamoto Crispin and Jay Anthony have added new artwork to their galleries. http://DigitalConsciousness.com/gallerylist.phtml
New Contemporary Artists The following artists registered in the last month. To view the work of an artist enter the artist's name at http://DigitalConsciousness.com To see the most recent artists go to http://DigitalConsciousness.com/new/
1. Tracey Costescu. Charcoal and graphite portraits.
2. Konti Amel. Still life from the Benin Republic.
3. Jean Petree. Abstract expressionism and color fields.
4. Thai Phien. Photography from Vietnam.
5. NirvanaBlues. Abstract fractals.
6. Fuzzworks. Artistic photo manipulation from the UK.
7. Jean-Paul Opperman. Collage from the Netherlands.
8. E.A. Feliu. Organic Kafkaesque experimentation.
9. Cheri Homaee, Still life photography.
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