Ray Ottulich is the July Digital Color Artist of the month.
Primarily self taught, he is the son of a commercial watercolorist. He has been named one of the top 50 artists in the Pacific Northwest. He was an Award winner of NorthWest Juried Art. His works are acrylics on canvas, landscape noir, surreal, deamscapes and 3d models.
The following artists have been added to the database. Their art may be accessed through Digital Consciousness http://digitalconsciousness.com
In the Renowned Artist category:
* Theodore Wildanger (1905-1989) born in Aumetz, France. Impressionistic landscapes stilllife and nature.
In the Oils, acrylics and mixed media category:
* overlap (Michael Denton and Anna McCrickard) -- Abstract digital photography/oil painting/video form the U.K.
* Hugo Velazquez -- Oil on canvus. Applied with a a brush or knife. Many works were created in Italy. Hugo has works on display at the Lankershim Arts Center, and is a member of the NoHo Artists Union.
* DG Dodia -- Indian artist. Realistic oil paintings with themes from nature.
* Richard Baumgart -- Born in New York City, 1946. Expressionistic Stilllife. Studied art for 5 years at Norman Raebin School of Art, Carnegie Hall, New York City. Studied art for 1 year in Pont-Aven, France.
In the Drawings, Photographs, Enhanced Photos, Animation, and Computer Generations category:
* Michael Yacono -- New York digital Artist. Pastel Portraiture, Pen and Ink, Pencil Portraits, Computer Generated Art, Color-cycling Animations.
* Arek -- Digital Arts.
In the Sculpture, Authors, and Performance Art category:
* Paul Sable -- large scale acrylic mobiles for corporate, public and private spaces. His work is playful, colorful, balanced, kinetic, translucent or transparent and fun.
* Scott Condell -- Stone and bronze sculpture by the well known New York painter and sculptor.
The following artists have modified their pages this month:
* Julie Rodriguez -- New image, updated biography.
* Martine Jacobs -- he latest pastel Renaissance - Minosh
If you wish to register as an artist, or are already registered and wish to publish more information use the form at http://www.digitalconsciousness.com/reg.htm Registered Artists of strong artistic merit will be added to the public database. As of July 22, 2000 there are 141 artists in the database. The database received 5,935 visits from June 18 to July 22, 2000.
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