New Artists
Please welcome these new artists:
- Sylvester Engbrox. Characters moving through strange atmospheres, from France.
- Helen Cusack. Realistic oil cityscapes of London and the river Thames.
- Johny Alives. Metaphotography to scanography.
- Hugo Martinez Rapari. Glass sculpture from Uruguay.
- Arkady Zrazhevsky. Landscape and still-life drawing from Russia.
- Rayanda Arts. Geometric abstraction and playful nudes from Canada.
- Ted Ellis. Passionate folk paintings of the culture of New Orleans.
- Martin Koetsier. Geometrical color harmony from the Netherlands.
- Melissa Ann Lambert. New media. Light boxes and pixelated surfaces.
- Alexandra Orton. Vibrantly colored surreal fish paintings.
- Eric Adama. Mixed media on paper.
- Ajayi Olaitan. Impressionistic watercolors from Nigeria.
- Eva Kryshtapovich. Mystical oils from Belarus.
- Hans Leip. Surrealistic acrylics from the Netherlands.
- Elaine Griffith. Art teaching methods.
- Iouri Galitchenko. Abstract-figurative paintings from Belgium.
- Souel Marawi. Expressionistic oils from Cyprus.
- Cbogatean Calin Bogatean. Iconography from Romania.
- Zdenko Radovanic. Shadows and blank figures from Croatia.
- Edward Sherman. Photography of Harlem street scenes and musicians.
- Karen Parker. Still life compositions.
- Jacopo Zanin. Surrealistic fractals.
- Funism Folk Art by Sal Marino. Visionary characters.
- Shaista Nadaf. Abstract light and color oil pastels from India.
- Katarina Fagerstrom Levring. Abstract photo impressionism from Sweden.
- Lynette LT Carter. Visionary digital art.
- Juan Carlos Guzman. Acrylic portraits from Argentina.
- Tim McMullen. Ceramics and pottery.
- Jimmy Devasia. Humorous illustration from India.
- Michelle A. duPlessis. Abstract landscapes from South Africa.
- Nikolay Karacharov. Landscapes and nature from Russia.
- Ruzaick Rushan. Landscape pastels from Sri Lanka.
- Conn Hutzel. Grandson photography.
- Samuel Junior. Landscapes from Ghana.
- Alessandro Rinaldi. Airbrush from Italy.
- Aashish Kamble. Actor from India.
- April Turner. Mixed media from Germany.
- Vondo Sharma. Oils on canvas.
- Gabriel Salgado Salgado. Wedding performances from Mexico.
- Willi Bauer. Impressionistic landscapes from Germany.
- Adam Hemuss. Exhibitions from England.
- Shadreck Mpofu. Still life painting from Zimbabwe.
- Mitesh Jain. Choreographer and DJ from India.
- Fei Chunii Lee. Drawing from Canada.
See http://DigitalConsciousness.com/new/ anytime for new artists and artists with new art.
Exhibiting your Artwork
Registered Artists can use the Edit link at the bottom of their Artist Page to edit their display.
It is inconspicuous in the background under the main table. Payment for Gallery Service is voluntary for 2011.
If you are a Registered Artist who has not yet exhibited in our on-line galleries, just email us.
We will gladly set it up for you whether or not you donate.
If you have Gallery Service that expires, and want to reactivate, let us know and we will do it.
The galleries contain no ads and are among the most prominent pages on Digital Consciousness.
News from the Artists
Thom Millsap is exhibiting his work in Sarasota, Naples, Marco Island and West Palm Beach Florida this spring.
Gilbert Abric, DanCiva, Nese Ikbal Sen, Kurt Van Wagner, Lise Boucher, Donna C. Willis, Derek McCrea and Kevin Barr have added new artwork to their galleries.
2011 Featured Artist
Nominations for the 2011 Featured Artist remain open.
The artist awarded this honor will be announced in the next newsletter.
New in the Directory
- Google Art Project. Discover featured artworks at high resolution and use the custom viewer to zoom into paintings.
- Studio Vogue Gallery. Canadian & International Art. One of Toronto's most unique venues for Mid-Career and Emerging Artists.
- beinArt. Surreal Art Collective: the ever expanding online gallery of surreal, psychedelic and visionary artists.
- Irving Norman. San Francisco Bay Area artist, Irving Norman (1906-1989.) His highly detailed paintings are powerful critiques of contemporary life and times.
Global Gatherings and Art Events
Gatherings can be the most artistic endeavors imaginable. Probably, even beyond one's imagination. Unless, of course, one is there to witness and participate.
Digital Consciousness has noted the most meaningful gatherings in the world. You can sort them by name or time.
This year, consider attending these wonderful monthly Southern California Art Walks: the Laguna Beach, Santa Barbara and San Pedro Art Walks (all 1st Thursdays),
the Downtown Los Angeles Artwalk (2nd Thursdays), the Highland Park Art Walk (2nd Saturdays) and the Venice Art Crawl (3rd Thursdays).
For details and many more listings, follow the links at: http://nanday.com/art
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