Kurt Van Wagner.
Kurt Van Wagner is the February 2002 Artist of the Month. Kurt's most important brush is his eye. It captures a sense of a place, time and emotion. He then uses his camera, scaner and software to produce striking digital art. The issue of Digital Publishing Design Graphics due out this month features Kurt's work -- The Artist.
Other works have been displayed at the Contemporary Art Forum in Santa Barbara California, elsewhere in Santa Barbara as well as in Solvang and San Louis Obispo. He shares the beauty of our world, cultures and people through new digital media.
New Artists.
The following artists have registered. To view the work of any artist go to http://digitalconsciousness.com/database.phtml and enter any part of the artists name. To see the 50 most recent artists go to http://digitalconsciousness.com/limit.phtml?limit=50
1. George Goodridge. Abstract 3-dementional wall paintings.
2. Andrew Abbo. Surrealistic people by computer.
3. Istvan Horkay. Symbolic people. From Hungary.
4. Dinu Lazar. Surrealistic interiors. From Romania.
5. Alexander Sadoyan. Abstract geometic shapes.
6. John Matthews. Poster design.
7. Sibylle Baker. Expressionistic photography.
8. Robin Thompson. Character digital art.
9. Nicoletta Barolini. Computer generated art.
10. Debra Paulk. Watercolors. From Lousisiana.
11. Gus Butcher. Silk paintings of realistic animals.
12. Dan Metzl. Social commentary from Israel.
13. Ovidiu Moise. Landscape and nature photography.
14. Gregory Chatonsky. Auto-refedntial digital art.
15. Rajeev Thiru. Digital art from the U.K.
16. Carson Collins. Metaphoric oceanscapes.
17. Chingiz Abassov. Surrealistic interiors. From Finland.
18. Deanna Knauth. Fantasy abstracts.
19. Alexey Yakovlev. Charcoal, graphite and Chinese inks.
20. Esti Goichman. Abstract sculpture from Israel.
21. Rick Bissell. Abstract geometric shapes.
22. Stew Ellington. Post-post modern acrylics.
23. Graham Everitt. Cataclysmic acrylic from Canada.
24. Daniel Woodmansee. Computer enhanced photography.
25. Martha Miller. Drawings with feeling.
26. Paul Bracey. Digital photography.
27. Luis Athouguia. Abstracts from Portugal.
28. Ryan Kennelly. Oil landscapes.
29. Jorge Llamos González. Mystical abstracts.
30. David Aronson. Surrealistic symbolic and spiritual.
31. Alejandro Suarez. Digital art from Argentina.
32. Zachary Davis. Expressionistic geometric shapes.
33. Benny Thaibert. Mystical digital landscapes.
34. Ilene Astrahan. Fractals
35. Mark F Stosiak. Oils, Sculpture.
36. Carol Es. Houses, targets and angels.
37. Lucette Virelle. Surrealistic digital art from Belgium.
38. Thomas Taylor/Sabo. "pidgin x-press," a new school of art.
39. Kathleen Taylor. Photorealistic digital art.
40. Georgia Georgiev. Fantasy digital art from Bulgaria.
41. Robert Mileham. Sculpture and drawings from the U.K.
42. Jan Willem Wartena. Biotechnology art from Netherland.
43. Jim Fogarty. Airbrush from the U.K.
44. Jeanette Diaz. Fauve portraits.
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