Artist Registry.
There are 20 new Registered Artists. Sixteen are visual artists -- Beverly Pace Sipos, Eric Scott Bloom, George Tafelmacher, Bruce Burkholder, H Wells Walfoort, Jyoti Prakash Bhattacharjee, Lindsay Saddler, Nevada Dansie, C Hummel Wilson, John H. McCannon, J. Rosenfeld, Paul Latta, Mike McGrane, Rowan, Catherine Sienko and Radomir Kalicanin. Three are authors -- Ralph Shroyer, Kermit Wolff and Christopher Bradley. One, David Esser, is a performance artist.
Each has a registry accessible from the Registered Artists menu. A registry generally consists of a sample of the artist's work, the artist's copyright notice, information about the sample, a javascript viewer, a short biography of the artist and links to the artist's current projects.
Digital Color.
http://digitalconsciousness.com/digitalcolor Several award-winning artists and gallery owners have joined the Digital Color jury. The jury selects the Digital Color Artist of the Month. The winner is announced on the 23rd of each month. Nominations close on the 9th of each month to leave ample time for deliberation. If you wish to be on the jury, fill out the form found at http://digitalconsciousness.com/digitalcolor/contactus.shtml
Beverly Pace Sipos.
Beverly Pace Sipos http://digitalconsciousness.com/artists/sipos/index.html is the December Digital Color Artist. Bev Sipos is a contemporary realist with a master's degree in fine art. Her subjects include figures and landscape done in oil and watercolor.
My Bed.
Tracey Emin's "My Bed" is a finalist for Britain's coveted Turner Prize for contemporary art. It is a double mattress heaped with stained and disheveled sheets, surrounded by the debris of indulgence -- discarded stockings, empty vodka bottles, cigarette butts, etc. What is most interesting about the Tony Harris picture of it that appeared in the L.A. Times is not the work itself, but the 18 art critics surrounding it all dressed completely in black. http://digitalconsciousness.com/artists/emin/index.html
Lee Krasner.
Lee Krasner (1908 - 1984) is an Abstract Expressionist. In 1945 she married Jackson Pollock (1912-1956). In 1953 Krasner began to deal with the extreme fustration she felt about Pollock's alcoholism by ripping apart works of hers and Pollock's and then combining these fragments with oil paint to make a series of collages. The current LACMA exhibit of Krasner's work shows these collages as well as Prophecy. In 1956 Krasner left Prophecy on her easel when she went to Europe as part of a trial separation from Pollock. While she was abroad Pollock and one other person were killed in a car crash. Pollock's mistress Ruth Kligman was in the car but survived the crash. Krasner completed Prophecy after this tragedy.
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