Alexander Sadoyan
Alexander Sadoyan is the March 2008 Digital Color Artist of the Month. Alexander was born in 1954 in Yerevan, Armenia and has resided in Los Angeles since 1996. He graduated from Terlemezian Art College of Fine Arts and has participated in more than 50 exhibitions.
Alexander paints forms and shapes to convey energy and spiritual conditions. He is inspired from life and nature. The colors and rhythms along with the mysterious inner life of mankind become his themes. His images are put together in a dreamlike sequence to reinforce the realty of metaphysical worlds.
Alexander has sold paintings in numerous auctions and his work is in private collections in the US, France, Germany, Canada, Russia, Switzerland, China, Norway and Lebanon. He is a member of the Artist’s Union of the Republic of Armenia and the International Association of Arts at UNESCO. http://RenownedArt.com/digitalcolor/
The Renowned Art Domain
Biographies of over 500 renowned artists are now indexed on this domain: by century (13th-20th Century), by artist's name, or from an alphabar. These are the most significant, famous, and influential figures in the history of art. The biographies emphasize the artistic style of the artists. Included is an index of female artists. http://RenownedArt.com/
Art Events
February marked the 10th anniversary of the Laguna Beach First Thursdays Art Walk. At the North end of Laguna, the Whitney Gallery exhibited wonderful pastel portraits by Bradford J. Salamon. The Kush Gallery exhibited paintings of Vladimir Kush, the Russian surrealist painter known for metaphorical realism. More on the Laguna Art Walk and on other Southern California art walks, open studio tours and art festivals can be found through the calandar: http://digitalconsciousness.net/directory/artcalendar.php
New Artwork in the Galleries
Gilbert Abric, Joseph DiSipio, Barbara Rose Guada, Robert Chami, Nicholas Caputi and Nirvana Blues have added new artwork to their galleries. http://DigitalConsciousness.com/gallerylist.phtml
New Contemporary Artists
The following artists registered in the last month. To view the work of an artist enter the artist's name at http://DigitalConsciousness.com To see these most recent artists go to http://DigitalConsciousness.com/new/
1. Chris Kelly. Interpretation of formative energies that govern seeds and natural shapes.
2. Pam Houle. Watercolor florals.
3. Adam Rowell. Fantasy photography.
4. Sej. Organic abstracts from Australia.
5. Rhonda Hall. Realistic interior landscape and nature compositions.
6. Jan Zaremba. Landscape Sumi-e, East Asian ink and wash painting.
7. Dawn Secord. Pastel dogs.
8. Susan J. Sauerbrun. Light and color abstracts.
9. Eemeel. Portraits and nudes from the Netherlands.
10. Chris Heisinger. Stained Glass mosaics.
11. Peter Hobden. Cityscapes from Switzerland.
12. Renso Castaneda. Photo-realistic portraits from Peru.
13. Miklos Legrady. New media and visual art.
14. Max Conrad. Celebrity photography.
15. Stephen Rivers. Xismtic modernism and cubism.
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